Yeshasvi Exporters Pvt Ltd


chickpeas exporters in india | chickpeas suppliers from india

Karna chana chickpeas exporters from India

Karna Chana (CSG 8962): Nurturing Resilience in Chickpea Farming


In the diverse landscape of chickpea varieties, CSG 8962, affectionately known as Karna Chana, emerges as a distinct and valuable cultivar, particularly tailored for the north-west plain zone. Let's embark on a journey to explore the unique qualities that make Karna Chana a standout choice for farmers and exporters alike.

Adapting to Challenging Environments:

Karna Chana earns its accolades for its remarkable adaptability to salt-affected regions. In agricultural landscapes where soil salinity poses a challenge, this chickpea variety shines as a resilient crop. Farmers facing environmental constraints find solace in cultivating Karna Chana, appreciating its ability to thrive in less-than-ideal conditions.

Impressive Yield Metrics:

A farmer's decision often hinges on the yield potential of a crop, and Karna Chana doesn't disappoint. With an average yield ranging between 22 to 25 quintals per hectare, this variety proves its mettle in the productivity department. The balanced and consistent yields make Karna Chana an attractive choice for those looking to optimize their agricultural output.

Chronicles of Introduction:

Officially introduced in 1997, CSG 8962 has steadily gained recognition for its unique characteristics. The nomenclature 'Karna Chana' reflects its regional focus and the agricultural landscape it caters to. Over the years, it has become a staple in the farming practices of the north-west plain zone.

Region-Specific Appeal:

Designed with the north-west plain zone in mind, Karna Chana is finely tuned to the specific climatic and soil conditions of the region. The variety's success is a testament to its compatibility with the agro-ecological nuances of the area. Farmers in this region often consider Karna Chana as a preferred choice due to its ability to thrive in their unique environment.

Global Access through Export:

As leading exporters of Karna Chana chickpeas from India, we take pride in facilitating global access to this unique variety. Our commitment is rooted in delivering produce that not only meets but exceeds global quality standards. By exporting Karna Chana, we aim to share the distinct qualities of this chickpea variety with consumers worldwide, fostering an appreciation for its unique attributes.


Karna Chana (CSG 8962) stands as a symbol of agricultural resilience and adaptability. As we continue to export this remarkable chickpea variety, our goal is to contribute to the global appreciation of India's agricultural diversity.

banana exporters in India | cavendish banana suppliers in India

Cavendish banana exporters in india


Journey through the thriving landscape of banana exports with Yeshasvi Exporters, a trailblazer in providing premium-quality cavendish and green bananas from India to global markets. This article unveils the success narrative of Yeshasvi Exporters, emphasizing their dedication to excellence, sustainable initiatives, and their significant impact on India's banana export sector. Explore the world of bananas with the leading exporters, setting standards for quality and reliability in the industry.

Yeshasvi Exporters: A Commitment to Quality

Yeshasvi Exporters stands tall for delivering top-notch Cavendish green bananas worldwide. Renowned for adhering to strict quality controls, we have become leaders in the industry. As leading Cavendish banana exporters, our commitment to excellence ensures that only the finest bananas reach the global market, making us a trusted choice.

Sustainable Farming Practices: A Hallmark of Yeshasvi's Approach

Yeshasvi Exporters places a strong emphasis on sustainable agriculture practices. Our commitment to eco-friendly farming includes responsible resource management and minimizing environmental impact. Through sustainable techniques, we not only ensure the long-term viability of cavendish banana cultivation but also meet global expectations for environmentally conscious practices. As leading exporters, we prioritize green banana exports, providing quality produce in an eco-friendly manner. Explore the difference with Yeshasvi, your trusted banana exporters.

Global Reach and Network: Yeshasvi's Export Prowess

Yeshasvi Exporters has built a robust network of banana farms across India, strategically located to leverage the country's diverse climate and soil conditions. This extensive network enables them to meet the varied demands of international markets, ensuring a year-round supply of high-quality bananas. Their reach extends to various continents, making Yeshasvi a truly global player in the banana export sector.

Customer Satisfaction: Yeshasvi's Key Priority

Yeshasvi Exporters places customer satisfaction at the forefront of their business philosophy. Through transparent communication, timely deliveries, and a customer-centric approach, they have cultivated lasting relationships with buyers worldwide. This dedication to customer satisfaction has contributed significantly to Yeshasvi's success as a leading banana exporter from India.

Innovation and Technology: Yeshasvi's Vision for the Future

To stay ahead in the competitive export market, Yeshasvi continually embraces innovation and technology. From advanced farming techniques to state-of-the-art packaging and logistics, they leverage cutting-edge solutions to enhance efficiency and maintain the quality of their banana exports. This forward-looking approach positions Yeshasvi as a trailblazer in the industry.

Embracing Quality Assurance: Yeshasvi's Stringent Standards

Yeshasvi Exporters understands that maintaining consistent quality is paramount in the competitive world of banana exports. Through rigorous quality assurance processes, every banana from Yeshasvi undergoes thorough checks for size, ripeness, and appearance. This dedication to quality sets them apart, ensuring that their bananas not only meet but exceed international standards. Yeshasvi's commitment to excellence is reflected in the superior taste and freshness of their exported bananas.

Sustainability Initiatives: Yeshasvi's Green Footprint

Yeshasvi Exporters takes pride in its commitment to sustainable farming practices. By implementing eco-friendly initiatives, such as organic farming, efficient water management, and responsible use of fertilizers, Yeshasvi minimizes its environmental footprint. Their focus on sustainability extends beyond the farms to packaging and transportation, reinforcing their dedication to environmentally conscious business practices.

Building Partnerships with Indian Farmers: Empowering Rural Communities

Yeshasvi Exporters actively collaborates with local farmers, fostering partnerships that benefit both parties. By providing training, resources, and fair compensation, Yeshasvi contributes to the economic empowerment of these farmers. This collaborative approach not only strengthens the supply chain but also uplifts rural communities, aligning with Yeshasvi's commitment to social responsibility.

Adapting to Market Trends: Yeshasvi's Market Intelligence

To stay ahead of market trends, Yeshasvi Exporters invests in continuous market research and analysis. By staying informed about evolving consumer preferences, trade regulations, and industry trends, they adapt their strategies accordingly. This market intelligence enables Yeshasvi to introduce new banana varieties, packaging innovations, and marketing strategies, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the dynamic banana export landscape.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Yeshasvi's Impact Beyond Business

Yeshasvi Exporters recognizes the importance of corporate social responsibility. They actively engage in community development initiatives, supporting education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. Yeshasvi's CSR activities extend beyond their business operations, reflecting a holistic approach to contributing positively to society.

Awards and Recognitions: Yeshasvi's Accolades

Yeshasvi Exporters' unwavering commitment to excellence has garnered them recognition within the industry. The company has received awards for export performance, quality assurance, and sustainable practices. These accolades serve as a testament to Yeshasvi's dedication to being a leader not only in business but also in setting industry benchmarks.

Collaborative Research and Development: Yeshasvi's Continuous Improvement

Yeshasvi Exporters invests in research and development initiatives to enhance farming techniques, post-harvest management, and overall productivity. Collaborating with agricultural experts and research institutions, Yeshasvi ensures that they stay at the forefront of agricultural innovation, contributing to the continuous improvement of India's banana export industry.

Conclusion: Yeshasvi Exporters - Sustaining Excellence in Banana Exports

Yeshasvi Exporters' success in the banana export industry is a result of their unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation. As they continue to expand their global footprint, Yeshasvi stands as a symbol of excellence, setting the bar high for Indian banana exporters and contributing to the nation's prominence in the international agricultural arena. With a focus on quality, sustainability, and community impact, Yeshasvi Exporters is not just exporting bananas; they are exporting a commitment to excellence and responsible business practices.

chickpeas exporters in india | chickpeas suppliers from india

leading chickpeas exporters from India


Embark on a captivating journey through the rich and diverse world of chickpeas, led by Yeshasvi Exporters – India's leading and emerging chickpeas exporters. Renowned for their versatility and nutritional prowess, chickpeas take center stage in this exploration, featuring various varieties like L550, Karna Chana, CNG 663, Uday (KPG 59), KAK 2, ICCC 32, Gujarat Gram 1, BGD 72, Pusa 391, JG 315. Join us as we celebrate the culinary and nutritional odyssey of these humble legumes.

Nutritional Benefits:

Chickpeas, championed by Yeshasvi Exporters, stand as nutritional powerhouses, boasting high protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. Dive into the health benefits that range from promoting digestive health to aiding in weight management and cholesterol regulation. Discover how incorporating chickpeas into your diet can contribute to overall well-being.

Culinary Marvels:

Explore the diverse and mouth watering world of chickpea-based recipes. From the classic hummus to the crispy falafel, chickpeas offer a versatile canvas for culinary creativity. Uncover how different cuisines around the world have embraced chickpeas, transforming them into delightful dishes that captivate taste buds.

chickpeas exporters in india | chickpeas suppliers from india

Health and Wellness:

Delve deeper into the health benefits of chickpeas, understanding their role in managing blood sugar levels and supporting heart health. Learn how these legumes can be a valuable and delicious addition to a balanced and nutritious diet.

Cultivation and Harvesting:

Gain insights into the intricacies of chickpea farming, led by Yeshasvi Exporters, from the ideal growing conditions to harvesting methods. Explore the challenges faced by farmers and the importance of sustainable agricultural practices in ensuring a steady supply of this beloved legume.

Cultural Significance:

Uncover the cultural significance of chickpeas in Indian cuisine, where they play a vital role in traditional dishes. Discover how these legumes have become integral to various global culinary traditions, reflecting the cultural diversity they embody.

Chickpeas in the Market:

Navigate through the dynamics of the global chickpea market, examining production, export, and consumption trends. Recognize Yeshasvi Exporters as India's leading and emerging chickpea exporters, contributing significantly to the legume's prominence on the international stage.

chickpeas exporters in india | chickpeas suppliers from india

Trivia and Fun Facts:

Delight in fascinating trivia and fun facts about chickpeas, ranging from their historical importance to quirky details that make them stand out. Explore the multifaceted nature of these legumes beyond their culinary and nutritional aspects.


As we conclude our exploration, let's celebrate the versatility, nutritional richness, and global impact of chickpeas, guided by Yeshasvi Exporters – your trusted source for quality legumes. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast or health-conscious consumer, chickpeas offer a delightful and wholesome addition to your lifestyle.

Explore the world of chickpeas with Yeshasvi Exporters, India's leading and emerging chickpeas exporters. Visit Yeshasvi Exporters for a premium selection of chickpeas. Contact us for inquiries and embark on a flavorful journey through the diverse world of legumes with us.

banana exporters in India | cavendish banana suppliers in India

A Culinary Exploration Guided by Leading Exporters from India


Embark on a captivating journey through the vibrant world of bananas as we delve into the rich tapestry of varieties, global origins, meticulous cultivation, and mouth watering recipes. Join us in celebration, guided by the expertise of India's top leading banana exporters, shaping the global market with their commitment to excellence.

Varieties of Bananas: A Gastronomic Symphony

Beyond the ordinary, bananas reveal a symphony of flavors and textures. The sweet melody of Cavendish, the robust harmony of Plantain, and the delicate notes of Lady Finger – a diverse palette awaits exploration. Our curated recipes showcase the versatility of these varieties, offering a culinary experience that transcends the ordinary.

Banana Origins: A Global Tale, Guided by Indian Export Pioneers

The roots of bananas extend across continents, with India emerging as a pioneering force in global exports. Our list of top leading banana exporters from India reflects the nation's pivotal role in sharing this tropical treasure worldwide. Inspired by the global journey of bananas, our recipes pay homage to the diverse cultures influenced by this beloved fruit.

banana exporters in India | cavendish banana suppliers in India

Bananas in the Kitchen: Culinary Brilliance Unleashed

Bananas, often underestimated, are culinary gems. The aromatic embrace of Banana Walnut Bread, the exotic allure of Grilled Plantains with Cinnamon Sugar, and the refreshing simplicity of a Banana Coconut Smoothie are just glimpses into the creative possibilities. As we explore these recipes, we celebrate the artistry of Indian exporters, delivering premium-quality bananas to global kitchens.

banana exporters in India | cavendish banana suppliers in India

Cultivating Bananas: Nurturing the Bounty with India's Export Leaders

The art and science of banana cultivation come to life with India's top banana exporters leading the charge. From planting to harvesting, their commitment to sustainable practices ensures a bountiful supply of premium-quality bananas. For inquiries and orders, connect with the industry leaders at +918951262121 or via email at


our journey through the world of bananas is illuminated by the expertise of India's leading banana exporters. Beyond being a simple fruit, bananas symbolize a global culinary connection, and with these pioneers at the helm, the world continues to savor the richness of this tropical delight. Join us in celebrating the essence of bananas, guided by the passion and commitment of India's export leaders.

onion exporters in India | onion suppliers in India

Yeshasvi Exporters’ Triumph in Indian Onion Exports


Embark on a gastronomic journey with Yeshasvi Exporters, proudly standing as one of India's leading onion exporters. Our legacy extends to being the trailblazers in the export of red and pink onions, establishing ourselves as a trusted name among Indian exporters and suppliers. Join the exploration at

Red Onion Royalty:

Flavorful Richness: Yeshasvi Exporters, India's beacon of onion exports, introduces the world to the rich and robust flavors of red onions.

Pink Onion Elegance:

Sweet Sophistication: Delight in the sweet sophistication of pink onions, skillfully sourced and exported by Yeshasvi, adding a unique touch to global cuisines.

Premium Quality Assurance:

Yeshasvi Exporters stands out with an unwavering commitment to delivering premium-quality onions, ensuring excellence in every shipment.

Trusted Supplier Network:

As one of India's leading onion exporters and suppliers, Yeshasvi has fostered a network of trust with clients worldwide, making us the preferred choice in the export market.

Exploring Onion Varieties:

onion exporters in India | onion suppliers in India

A Multitude of Flavors:

Yeshasvi Exporters takes pride in presenting a diverse array of onion varieties, each carefully curated to cater to the discerning tastes of global consumers.

India's Culinary Gem:

Culinary Significance: Red and pink onions sourced by Yeshasvi Exporters play a vital role in Indian cuisine, and we take this culinary gem to the international market with pride.

Key Features of Red Onions:

Rich Flavor Profile: Red onions are known for their robust and distinctive flavor, adding depth to a variety of dishes.

Vibrant Red Color: The vibrant red hue of these onions not only enhances visual appeal but also contributes to their nutritional value.

Versatile Culinary Ingredient: Red onions are a versatile addition to salads, sandwiches, salsas, and various cooked dishes, providing a flavorful kick.

High Nutritional Content: Packed with essential nutrients, red onions offer health benefits, including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Long Shelf Life: Red onions have a relatively long shelf life, making them a practical choice for both home cooks and professional chefs.

Popular Raw or Cooked: Whether enjoyed raw in salads or cooked in savory dishes, red onions are a staple ingredient appreciated for their versatility.

onion exporters in India | onion suppliers in India

Key Features of Pink Onions:

Sweet and Mild Flavor: Pink onions are celebrated for their sweet and mild flavor, making them an excellent choice for those who prefer a subtler onion taste.

Distinct Pink Hue: The delicate pink color of these onions sets them apart, making them visually appealing and suitable for various culinary presentations.

Ideal for Pickling: Pink onions are commonly used in pickling due to their mild flavor, adding a delightful touch to pickled recipes.

Enhances Culinary Aesthetics: Adding a touch of elegance to dishes, pink onions are chosen not only for their taste but also for their aesthetic appeal.

Complementary to Salads and Garnishes: Pink onions are a popular choice for salads, garnishes, and relishes, contributing a subtle sweetness to these preparations.

Balanced Onion Flavor: With a well-balanced onion flavor profile, pink onions offer a pleasant and complementary taste to a variety of culinary creations.

onion exporters in India | onion suppliers in India


Yeshasvi Exporters stands tall among the list of leading onion exporters in India, focusing on the export of premium-quality red and pink onions. Our dedication to excellence has solidified our position as India's go-to supplier for discerning clients worldwide. Join us on this flavorful journey at

onion exporters in India | onion suppliers in India

Onion Delicacies From India’s Premier Exporters

Introduction :

Onions, the unsung heroes of the culinary world, have the power to transform dishes into flavorful masterpieces. In this exploration of "Onion Delicacies," we delve into the expertise of India's leading onion exporters and suppliers, particularly focusing on the prowess of red onion exporters and traders and the emerging stars in the realm of pink onion exports.

The Allure of Indian Onions :

India, renowned for its diverse and rich agricultural offerings, stands tall in the global onion trade. The country's leading exporters and suppliers have mastered the art of cultivating premium onions, particularly the vibrant red variety that adds depth and character to a myriad of dishes.

India's Leading Red Onion Exporters :

The red onion, with its robust flavor and enticing hue, takes center stage in Indian cuisine. Our exploration begins with India's leading red onion exporters and traders who play a crucial role in bringing this culinary gem to global kitchens. These seasoned experts understand the nuances of onion cultivation, ensuring a consistent supply of top-quality red onions to discerning customers worldwide.

Emerging Pink Onion Exporters :

As culinary preferences evolve, so does the demand for unique and specialty onions. Enter the emerging stars in the industry – pink onion exporters from India. These forward-thinking exporters are gaining recognition for their commitment to providing a distinct variety that adds a subtle sweetness to dishes. The delicate flavor of pink onions is making waves, offering a delightful alternative in the culinary landscape.

Recipes Showcasing Onion Brilliance:

Red Onion Chutney Bliss: Explore the tangy and savory world of red onion chutney, a versatile condiment that elevates everything from dosas to grilled meats.
Pink Onion Pickle Delight: Embrace the sweetness of pink onions in a delightful pickle, perfect for pairing with cheeses or enhancing your favorite sandwich.
Red Onion and Tomato Relish: Uncover the savory symphony of flavors in a red onion and tomato relish, ideal for topping burgers or adding a kick to salads.

Conclusion :

"Onion Delicacies" celebrates the culinary magic woven by the hands of India's leading red onion exporters and traders, as well as the emerging talents in the realm of pink onion exports. These onions, in various hues, continue to captivate taste buds around the world, proving that the humble onion is indeed a culinary marvel.

In your culinary adventures, embrace the diversity of onions and savor the expertise brought to you by India's premier onion exporters. Whether it's the boldness of red onions or the sweetness of pink onions, these delicacies promise to add depth and distinction to your gastronomic journey.

onion exporters in India | onion suppliers in India

India’s Finest Onions and the Leading Exporters

Introduction :

India's onions have long been revered for their unparalleled quality and distinctive flavor, making them a culinary gem both domestically and internationally. As trusted onion exporters from India, we proudly stand as emerging leaders in the global market, setting high standards for quality and production.

Exploring the Rich Heritage of Indian Onion Cultivation:

India boasts a rich tradition of onion cultivation, with the bulbs thriving in the fertile soils and diverse climates of the country. This results in a myriad of onion varieties, each with its unique characteristics. From the robust red onions to the delicate pink ones, the range of flavors and hues adds depth to India's onion offerings.

Leading the Charge as Red Onion Exporters:

Our commitment to excellence has positioned us as leading red onion exporters from India. The vibrant hue and robust flavor of Indian red onions have made them a sought-after ingredient in kitchens around the world. Whether diced into salads or simmered to perfection in a curry, the versatility of red onions knows no bounds.

Excellence in Pink Onion Supply:

Not to be overshadowed, our role as leading pink onion suppliers from India adds another layer to our onion expertise. Pink onions, with their subtle sweetness, are a favorite among chefs globally. Their presence in various culinary creations speaks volumes about the quality and reliability we bring to the international market.

Setting Standards for Quality and Production:

As trusted and leading onion exporters of India, we understand the importance of maintaining high standards. Our commitment to quality assurance ensures that each bulb that leaves our farms meets the expectations of discerning chefs and households worldwide. From cultivation to packaging, our process reflects the dedication to excellence that defines us.

Elevating Culinary Experiences Worldwide:

Indian onions, sourced and exported with precision and care, play a pivotal role in elevating culinary experiences globally. The rich heritage, diverse varieties, and uncompromising quality make our onions an essential ingredient in kitchens across continents.

In conclusion, our journey as onion exporters and suppliers is not just about delivering onions; it's about sharing a piece of India's culinary heritage with the world. Join us in savouring the rich flavours and vibrant hues that only Indian onions can bring to your table.

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